Offers & Rewards

What is Loyalty and Reward Program
Loyalty and Reward Program is a promotional program in Zify.  Both, car owner and rider can earn Zify coins through this program.  The Zify coins are red...
Mon, 15 Jul, 2019 at 1:28 PM
How Loyalty and Reward Program works ?
Every user earns one zify coin for each kilometer he/she carpools.
Mon, 15 Jul, 2019 at 1:28 PM
What is Zify Coin?
Zify coin is the fundamental value of the Loyalty and Reward Program.  The Zify coins are redeemable. 
Mon, 15 Jul, 2019 at 1:29 PM
When can I redeem the Zify coins?
Once you clock-in 500 or more zify coins, they can be redeemed.  Zify coins can be redeemed in multiples of 500. 
Mon, 15 Jul, 2019 at 1:30 PM
How can I redeem the Zify coins?
   Zify coins can be redeemed by choosing any of the four options provided (Paytm, Bank account,and Zify cash).
Mon, 15 Jul, 2019 at 1:31 PM